An email from Gary Senior on behalf of the Parish Clerk?

Please see the email I received below, sent by Gary Senior on behalf of the Stubton Parish Clerk? Confused, I am……..the PC surely has a councillor who could send an email or have I missed something and Gary is now a councillor? 🙂 According to LALC, who ever authorised this is lacking in judgement and has made a serious error.

Furthermore, the sensible option would be a single “Meeting” including Cllr Maughan on Wednesday 25th.

A second suggestion, why not distribute the Meetings Agenda and the last Meetings Minutes, via email, as the Council website is never updated?

  • 23rd September – Parish Council Meeting at 19:00
  • 25th September – Cllr Alex Maughan briefs the village at 18:30

Dear All

Cllr. Alex Maughan will not be able to attend the meeting on Monday so has kindly offered an alternative date on 25th September at 18.30, all villagers are invited to attend.

 The Village Hall is booked and four councillors are going to be there. 

I’m sure Alex will try to update us on the progress of the road renovation issues so if there are any questions on this or anything else you are thinking you might like to ask him please let me know in advance, if possible, by emailing me on

Alex can then collect any answers from other groups such as Highways etc. 

NB. The Parish Council Meeting scheduled for Monday 23rd September at 7pm will still go ahead without Cllr Maughan.

Kind regards
