Stubton – Speed Awareness

A snap shot from our vehicle Wolfbox cameras (video from the Front camera). Really useful addition to any vehicle as it constantly records Front and Rear views and probably more importantly for a limited time after an accident.

As we enter Stubton, you can see the digital readout changing as we slow down on our approach!

NB: Decided to review the footage for the first time today as we met some rather interesting versions of road manners today!

A grant was successfully secured from the South Kesteven Community Fund, which covers 80% of the required funds for the speed awareness device. The balance was funded by local business and the local community.

The aim for the Community is to tackle local speeding issues, by changing the behaviour of road users who drive above the speed limit through small towns and villages.

The single device is managed by a village team that rotates it through the 4 access roads into Stubton. The video below is that of Fenton Road.