Village decides to suspend continuous flying of Ukraine flag!

Below is the email that was sent by Mrs Crooks to all on the village email list following the recent door to door survey by her and Mrs Flint. The result of the survey is that village does not want to see the Ukraine flag flown continuously.

Thank you to everyone who gave their time to share their views on the future of the flying of the Ukrainian flag in the village. Below is a summary of your responses.

We were able to gain responses from 126 individuals out of a Stubton population of 171 (2021 census).  This represents a 74% response rate.

44 responders (35%) said that they wished the Ukrainian flag to remain flying continuously. There were varied opinions given as to how long for.

49 responders (39%) said that they no longer wished the flag to fly continuously with an overall feeling that it had “outlived its meaning”.

An additional 7 responders (5%) said that they were happy to support the majority view.  This would therefore increase to 44% support for the flag to no longer fly continuously.

26 (21%) of responders did not have an opinion either way. Most felt it would be more appropriate that the flag now flies once a year on the anniversary of the start of the Ukrainian war in conjunction with the current flag-flying rota. One respondent suggested flying it once a month on the date of the start of the war.

Some alternative continuous flag flying suggestions were made, 2 citing the Union flag and 4 the Lincolnshire flag. Some respondents referred to other conflicts also taking place around the world.

Once again many thanks for your input.

Best wishes Lynn and Max