Wind Farm Proposal – Refused (S15/1764).

A timely reminder about a recent refused Wind Farm application.

S15/1764 | Erection, 25 year operation and subsequent de-commissioning of a wind farm consisting of 10 wind turbines (each up to 110m to the blade tip) and associated infrastructure, including underground cable connections | Former Raf Fulbeck Airfield, Stragglethorpe Lane, Fulbeck, Lincs. There are 120 documents listed for this application.

This is what Barney in the Willows PC said about it (written during the application):

reVOLT (the community group that opposed the Temple Hill Wind Farm) and VETO (the group formed to monitor Fulbeck scheme) will join forces to coordinate the fight against this speculative application.  As a huge area will be affected, we will work with the many parish councils and individuals who will want to oppose it. Many people have already offered to help, e.g. by delivering leaflets or using expert knowledge to assess parts of the application.

The application on the SKDC website (S15/1764).  There are dozens of files and the devils will be hidden in the details; although it’s pretty obvious to local residents what’s wrong with dumping a clump of 361ft-high spinning towers in the middle of our countryside. 

The government are closing one of the finance schemes for wind farms, but another is still running and Energiekontor clearly hope to pick up the remaining subsidies as less aggressive developers abandon the market.  The government also introduced new planning guidance placing greater emphasis on consultation with local communities and their concerns.  Energiekontor seem determined to ignore this guidance, but it does mean that local objections – from individuals and councils – will have a key role in this case.

VETO/reVOLT are reviewing the application and we will get back to you ASAP with a summary and suggested grounds for objection.  In the meantime, please look at the VETO website and make your views known to your parish, district and/or county councillor, or write to your local MP.  This application is likely to be processed much faster than the Temple Hill site (potentially only a few weeks) so please spread the word quickly.  We stopped the area around Temple Hill being ruined and we can stop this scheme, if we all work together.

Developers are not beyond using ‘dirty tricks’ to drum up support.  For example they may contact local clubs with promises of money.  Although they claim this is voluntary, they will only offer the minimum sum required by official guidelines.  Residents close to existing wind farms have found the ‘community fund’ to be a divisive measure, with money either not being paid, or going to organisations miles from the actual site.  Also, please look out for pro-wind activists collecting signatures in surrounding towns, or even towns far away.  Please alert us if you spot anything.

Best regards and please act now to object to this industrial-scale wind farm by clicking on this link and commenting SKDC website (S15/1764)