The Permissive footpath between Doddington Lane and Brandon Road is still marked as “CLOSED” at all access points and the grass is now head high. Impassable for little dogs and borderline to walk (whereas the grass around the Birch Fishing ponds has been cut).
However, the Footpath between Rectory Farm and Littlegates has been maintained and easily passable. Rectory Farm have cut the grass towards the Dyson Farm element, while Dyson Farms have ensured the footpath has remained passable towards Littlegates, which I am grateful for.
Using logic, this means Dyson have deliberately not cut the grass on the Permissive path and left it CLOSED due to other priorities and an awful Spring. The grass could also be hiding nesting birds, allowing insects and wild flowers to thrive. Will it be cut, we know Dyson’s have been asked, will just have to wait and see? The positive is that we are blessed with many alternate paths to use, if this one remains closed.