Pothole Armageddon

Great video explaining Potholes in the UK. Image above is Fenton Road.

I have only one major point: why delay road repairs to Doddington Lane after being planned FIVE times? Below, Councillor Alexander Maughan explains why SKDC have renegaded on the Doddington Lane repairs. Check out the full July 2023 report on the PC website, which includes an incredible amount of “word salad”.

We shouldn’t be going to FIX MY STREET asking for Pothole repairs when the whole road was scheduled for maintenance FIVE times in 2023 and ultimately being cancelled indefinitely. Why, so SKDC can transfer funds to vanity projects such as homes for asylum seekers. Roads are important too…….

Below are the recent statements at Parish Councillor meetings from SKDC (Cllr Alexander Maughan). My interpretation is further red tape and wasting of finances resources on further meetings. We all pay road tax, fuel duty, car purchase tax, VAT on car purchases and council tax and yet we have to tolerate roads that are not fit for purpose. I’m also of the impression that SKDC only tell us what we want to hear in an effort to subdue Stubton residents.

November 2023 Parish Council Minutes: Click for Source

Doddington Lane and Clensey Lane Resurfacing (I have left the spelling as per website – must be using an American spell check {Z used instead of S}. 🙂

  • Resurfacing completed on the Littlegates stretch; the rest is more complex and requires additional funding. Highways are in agreement in principle for a rolling program; Cllr Maughan pushing for prompt action and is soon to meet relevant officers to promote our case. Concerns were raised by residents and Cllr Watkins about prioritization and spending; Cllr Maughan states repairs are addressed based on program criteria. The urgency of the situation was emphasized by parishioners and Cllrs regarding road safety, especially for cyclists and motorcycles in dark and winter conditions. Cllr Maughan emphasized the council’s statutory duty, and urges people to report on ‘Fix My Street,’ with assurances to follow-up action within a 90-day turnaround.

September 2023 Parish Council Minutes: Click for Source

Doddington Lane and Clensey Lane Update: An update on the progress of Doddington Lane and Clensey Lane projects was provided, indicating a delay in their execution. However, it was mentioned that the scope of work is anticipated to be expanded. In response to a resident’s query about plans for Fenton Road, due to potholes and uneven surfaces, Cllr Milnes recommended using the Fix My Street platform to report such issues.

July 2023 Parish Council Minutes: Click for Source

County Council budget for 2023/24 The Council will spend £595million on delivering public services across Lincolnshire next year. Of this £177million will be spent on Adult Care and Wellbeing, £97million on Children’s Services, £47million on Highways maintenance and £22million Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue Service. Inflationary cost pressures of £9million in Highways have been funded through the county precept in addition to an extra £7million budgeted for additional highway maintenance activity in areas such as traffic regulation orders, pedestrian crossings and rural road schemes in 2023/24.

This is the link to the post, listing the scheduled highway repairs which were subsequently cancelled.