Time Line of the Flag Debacle using SPC minutes when and where available as a reference!
Below are direct extracts from the council minutes, where available. If you examine the extracts, decisions have been made in the OPEN FORUM by councillors which are constitutionally incorrect. The most appalling decision took place on the 7th June 2024 ,where a motion was written in such a way as to ensure the outcome of the decision was secured and thus skewed. The item should have been deferred until further information was procured. https://stubton-divided.co.uk
I also doubt the accuracy of the information gathered on 12th July 2023, regarding the survey managed by SPC. The way the survey was managed, anyone could have sent in multiple voting slips to skew the result as the voting slips were not accountable and were sent to households and not individuals.
The evidence needs to be reviewed (maybe a FOI request) for its authenticity, which must be available by law, as all council records must be maintained in a secure cabinet for 7 years.
June 7th 2024 – Item 6.5 (The problem decision that has divided the village)
No electronic Minutes available. This was the Agenda item: 6.5 Annual Review of Flag Flying in Stubton. The motion is to continue to fly the Ukraine under the agreed conditions (February 2022/July 2023). Councillors voted all in favour of continuing to fly the Ukrainian Flag.
The PC ignored the comprehensive statistical information provided by Lynn Crooks (which diametrically opposed their decision). Do not forget Parish Councillors are government officials and view points by the minute writer are very apparent – see 20th March 2024 Minutes as an example of bias and personal view points included.
APRIL/MAY 2024 – Failed Council
Residents conduct their own professional survey, knocking on all doors giving those that answer the doors the opportunities to voice their view point. Some houses were visited several times. The overwhelming response was not to fly the flag continuously.
20th March 2024 – Item: 7.0 Review of Ukrainian flag flying
The current protocol remains consistent with the agreement established last year following the preceding village survey, with provisions for annual review. The chair emphasised the statement made by the Prime Minister in 2024, that British citizens
continue displaying the Ukrainian flag as a symbol of solidarity. Councillor Taylor concurred with the sentiment that the flag should continue to fly. Furthermore, the chair noted that the majority of respondents in the previous survey expressed a desire to maintain the flag’s display. Nevertheless, given the existence of opposing viewpoints among a small minority of residents in attendance, it was proposed that a new survey be conducted on this matter.
12th July 2023 – Item 7.0 Ukrainian Flag Flying
Yes: 73%, No: 27% – flying the flag.
See article in News section on website for full results.
Motion: The Ukrainian flag will continue to fly on days other than when the Union Flag or others are flying to mark special days or anniversaries until the end of the war or government policy towards supporting Ukraine changes.
This will be reviewed annually as with other policies. Proposed: Cllr Taylor; Seconded: Cllr Dorrity Motion adopted.
5th May 2023 (OPEN FORUM)
Flag Flying Days. A parishioner raised a question regarding flag flying days, specifically inquiring about whether there is a need to fly the Ukrainian flag every day.
Action: Survey to be created in time for delivery alongside the newsletter.
18th January 2023 (OPEN FORUM)
A resident raised the issue regarding the state of the Ukrainian flag and re-purchase. Also,
the idea of an information sheet to be posted on the board detailing the flag days when the flag will be flown. It is proposed that once the up-to-date list is posted, then residents bring any further suggestions regarding additional flag days to the next Parish Council meeting for further discussion. It was agreed to purchase a new Ukrainian flag.
28th February 2022 (OPEN FORUM)
Cllr Crooks suggested that in support of the solidarity of the Ukrainian people, we purchase and raise a Ukrainian flag. It was agreed that we should mirror the protocol from when the Ukrainian flag is being
raised on government buildings, with the exception of any other days we already have time-tabled for flags. A resident will send for a 5’x3’ Ukrainian flag costing £6.89. This resident was thanked for her offer and the order will be invoiced for payment by the PC. The flag will be flown until another flag needs to go up.