Village E-Mail System

The village e-mail system has approximately 100 subscribers, managed by Gary Senior. Gary tries to keep the numbers less than 100 as this should be sufficient for our village. If you are not part of the system and would like to be – I would suggest contacting Gary Senior.

Unless, people save the recipients e-mail addresses, users tend to reply to all. Similarly, users tend not write a new SUBJECT line, which irritates some folk. Two complaining emails on this subject have been posted in the last 24 hours (it’s easy just delete the mail if it annoys you).

If I write a new e-mail, I will send to the users using the BCC method which avoids listing the villagers e-mail addresses and thus not contravening GDPR rules.

Therefore I recommend the following:

  • Ensure the “Subject” is relevant to your mail
  • In the “TO” slot – send the message to ourself.
  • Save the village e-mail addresses and place them in the “BCC” slot, this avoiding breaking GDPR rules.
  • Finally, think carefully before using.