Have your say on SKDC’s Contaminated Land Strategy

See News from SKDC website dated 17 July 2024.

Residents are being asked for their views on how South Kesteven District Council deals with contaminated land across the district.

The Council’s four-week consultation opens today (17 July) to determine public views on how it should meet its obligations under Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

The Council’s draft Contaminated Land Strategy sets out how contaminated land will be identified, managed and made safe through planning and development control processes and remediation action, when necessary.

SKDC wants to ensure that its strategy is well integrated and consistent with planning processes, and includes details of:

  • The characteristics of the district – including geological make up
  • The legislation governing the Council
  • The classification SKDC uses to determine if land is contaminated or not
  • The processes and procedures the Council will follow when remediate action is required

Cllr Rhea Rayside, Cabinet member for People and Communities, said: “Consistent with other local authorities across England, South Kesteven District Council has a statutory duty to prepare, implement and regularly review its Contaminated Land Strategy.”

“As part of this process, we are asking local people, as well as landowners, organisations and other stakeholders, for their opinion on our approach.

“We would encourage everyone who has responsibility for and cares about their local environment and how contaminated land is identified and dealt with to give us their views. 

“Your feedback will help us measure the amount of public support there is for our processes and procedures.  It will also highlight if there is anything else you think we should be considering.

“Please use this opportunity to have your say.” 

The consultation runs until 14th August.

To take part follow this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/clsc2024

Alternatively scan the QR code using a camera on a smartphone or tablet.

To request a printed copy of the survey, or one in an alternative format or another language please contact the Environmental Health Manager (Environmental Protection) on 01476 40 60 80.