That’s that then, a divided village – thank you SPC!

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Thanks to the SPPC this evening, I can declare that Stubton is now officially a “divided” village, even though they argued they didn’t want this outcome. SPC had every opportunity to be mature and accept the wishes of the majority of residents or reach a compromise, instead they chose to be confrontational and go with the minority (for those not understanding what we are talking about, we are discussing this POST). Unfortunately, the way item 6.5 was written left little room for discussion, incidentally on all items this evening there was no clear proposer or seconder…….

If only the Council had followed the governing advice given by NALC and .GOV.UK, they would have prevented the division. They had the perfect opportunity to action the will of the people, yet they chose to ignore the residents wishes (a reminder that councillors are elected to represent the people). Why would they annoy the residents, I don’t know – but there we are – they have decided to ignore democracy and we have to accept their dictatorial decision, or we drop to their low standards?

The recent Flag Flying, survey conducted by Mrs Crooks and Mrs Flint was undertaken when no council existed. The questions were fair and all view points were considered. Yet, this Parish Council has chosen to ignore the results and ignore the guidance provided by the “Nolan Principles”. They have chosen to ignore democracy and become dictators, not unlike the very person they despise – Putin. If the survey had gone the other way, Mrs Crooks and Mrs Flint would have reported it that way, this is called democracy.

We were told by one of the councillors that they were coerced into becoming members by the “controllers” of the village, to prevent LCC running the village. 🙂 We are also aware of pre-council meetings, deciding issues before council meetings (more of the sham), which is forbidden.

Finally, I witnessed how this village behaved a couple of years ago, during the planning request by the previous owners of Heatherway House, which was despicable and I witnessed this awful attitude continuing last night when a councillor started to yell at a resident.

As a footnote, we are totally behind Ukraine and support them in their quest to defeat Russia. We especially recognise the great efforts families have done for Ukrainian citizens in this village, but that does not mean the majority of residents wish to see their flag flown every day (only on associated anniversaries). The gesture to fly it over 2 years ago was just, but time waits for no one – time to move on.

Thank you.

Parish Councillors

CouncilNameContact Details
Stubton Parish CouncilMr Sam Mitchell (Chairman)NA
Stubton Parish CouncilMya Watkins (Vice Chairman)NA
Stubton Parish CouncilMr Sam KirkNA
Stubton Parish CouncilJennifer Taylor (Acting Clerk)
Stubton Parish CouncilJackie Britten-CrooksNA
Stubton Parish
South Kesteven District CouncilPenny MilneSKDC webpage 
Lincolnshire County CouncilAlex MaughanLCC webpage 
Council Contact Details

One thought on “That’s that then, a divided village – thank you SPC!

  1. Interesting – that Royal Wootton Bassett can reach a sensible decision – but our public representatives are so out of touch with the residents of Stubton! If you Google you will see many other towns have reached the same conclusion!

    Town makes decision to take down Ukrainian flag after two years

    Source this website posted 10 June 2024.

    The Ukrainian flag has been taken down after flying for more than two years in Royal Wootton Bassett High Street.

    The Wiltshire town first displayed the blue and yellow colours in March 2022 to show support for the country during its ongoing war with Russia.

    The Ukrainian flag was flown alongside the town flag, and until recently had only been removed for events such as the King’s birthday, Armed Forces Day, Pride Month, and D-Day celebrations.

    In late 2023, the council stayed firm in the decision to fly the Ukrainian flag despite criticism from the public.

    Some locals demanded that the flag be taken down while others questioned why the town council had not acknowledged the ongoing Palestinian conflict in the same way.

    But now over two years on from the date the flag was raised, Royal Wootton Bassett Town Council has decided that the time has come to take it down.

    Royal Wootton Bassett residents will no longer see the yellow and blue flag in their High Street.

    In doing so, the council have been keen to emphasise that the town still fully supports Ukraine and Ukrainians seeking refuge in Wiltshire.

    “At the full council meeting on Thursday, May 23 2024, a motion was proposed by Councillor Steve Bucknell and unanimously supported by the town council to amend the existing flag schedule, and fly the national flag of England as our default flag in the High Street,” said a spokesperson for the town council.

    “Other flags may be flown at certain times of the year.”

    “This in no way diminishes our support for the Ukraine, as we all know these attacks continue, and the thoughts and prayers for those innocent people in the Ukraine have continued from the people of Royal Wootton Bassett ever since,” the council added.

    “We hope that residents and visitors of Royal Wootton Bassett will be proud to see our national flag flying in our High Street from the start of July, a flag to include all of society, and to represent what England represents for many people: tolerance and diversity.”

    The Ukrainian flag is being replaced with England’s St George’s cross. 

    To show continued support for Ukraine in its ongoing war with Russia, the town will raise the Ukrainian flag once more on the anniversary of the conflict on February 24, 2025.

    However, this will be a one-off event and the St George’s Cross and town flag will be the only flags raised permanently.

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